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 Lawn Mowing

Mowing practices will greatly influence the overall health, colour of weed pressure on your lawn. Regular mowing will reduce stress in hot / dry conditions and prolong the growing season when the weather is cooler. This regular mowing schedule and longer growing season will produce a thicker, greener, healthier lawn with less weeds.

The ‘Warm Season’ turf types we encounter in south east Queensland such as Couch, Buffallo Grass and Zoysia require a regular mowing schedule to thrive – We recommmend cutting every 2 weeks in summer and every 4 weeks in Winter.

Removing more than 30-50% of the total grass height per cutting creates stress and bare spots, so this should be avoided at all costs. Regular mowing is the key – Low mowing frequency will produce poor grass coverage and a weak lawn that is vulnerable to weed pressure, disease and drought stress.

Regular mowing at the correct cutting height will also return organic matter to the soil without smothering the grass. This allows the carbon cycle to take effect – Constantly building topsoil and fertilising your property.

Remember – A healthy lawn is usually growing in fertile soil with active soil micro-biology… If your lawn is getting enough water, but isn’t thick and green – it may be time for a Fertiliser or Aeration treatment.

Studies show that root depth has a huge influence on overall health and thickness of turf. The biggest driving factors behind root depth are often watering practices, mowing practices and soil compaction.

Deep watering will encourage deeper root growth and a more drought resistant lawn that requires less frequent watering. Shallow watering will lead over time to a shallow root base that is less tolerant of heat and drought conditions. We recommend watering your lawn deeply, once or twice a week to encourage deeper root growth.

Mechanical Aeration can drive deeper root growth by reducing soil compaction, thus allowing greater amounts of oxygen, water and nutrients deeper into the soil. Regular aeration will produce a visually healthier turf and will maximise returns from fertilising, good mowing and watering practices.

An ideal lawn maintenance program should include regular mowing, weed control, fertilisation, aeration, and sufficient watering.

Contact our friendly team to discuss your requirements.